2022 - 2023
Constitution and Bylaws
Based on member comments and questions, a comprehensive review of the Association's Constitution and Bylaws was conducted by a team of association members led by President Frank Bell. Participation was open to all members.
The product of that review, including proposed changes was posted on this site and mailed to all members with their 2022-2023 invoice.
Constitution and Bylaws (Proposed)
Members were encouraged to review and vote (one vote per membership). Votes were tallied at a special meeting on June 18, 2022. Several members participated as observers as the votes were tallied. The meeting announcement, voting procedure and results of the vote are detailed below.
Meeting Announcement
Voting and Vote Tabulation Procedure
The Constitution document was updated to reflect the changes approved by the membership and the updated copy placed on file with Van Buren County.
Constitution and Bylaws as Amended